Monday, February 10, 2014

Naked Chocolate (or not so naked)

Chocolate. Chocolate is a wonderful thing. I had a friend who didn't like chocolate and I never understood that. I had a dog that liked chocolate a little too much and I did understand that. I actually had two dogs that liked chocolate a little two much. The first one was our first family dog. He was the best dog ever. No dog will ever compare to him. His name was Samson and he was a stunning white German Shepherd. When he was a puppy, he snuck into my parent's closet and discovered my mom's Godiva chocolate stash. He ate the entire pile of it. He was okay after a massive stomach ache and he didn't ever go looking for that stash again. Now we have a little Daushound named Charlie and last summer that little sneak ate a whole roll of Oreos. He didn't learn his lesson though because a few nights ago he stole my chocolate muffin and downed the whole thing. My dog (my child, I should say), Gidget, is an Australian Shepherd who loves chocolate as well. While I was studying last night, I was rewarding myself with M&Ms and she wanted one so badly she did all her tricks in a row. So I gave her one. That was probably a mistake, but I couldn't resist her little begging eyes. I'm a sucker for my dog. I don't know what I'd do with out her, to be honest. She is my best friend. She really is. It breaks my heart to leave her at home for work, school, etc. because she sits at the door and cries. It's the best feeling ever to get home though, because she's always waiting for me and she attacks me with kisses and love when I walk in the door. I know when I get home today that she'll be there, waiting for me to play with her in the snow. I love everything about my dog. I love her flaws because they make me laugh and I love how hard she tires to please me and how loyal she is. I love observing her reactions to things and training her. She is very quick and enjoys learning new tricks. Nothing compares to the love of a dog or loving a dog. Just don't let them get into your chocolate.

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